Friday, February 16, 2007

...and it really stayed a week!!

This was the view outside our window that glorious
Friday morning.

Once we made it downstairs, we enjoyed our frosted
little world (this is our courtyard).

John, enthralled with the snowy substance.

Our quiet, peaceful neighbors.

The center of the seminary.

John decided the chapel needed a snow angel.

A cute little church in Wilmore.
John's first snow job!!
Yes, he was outside in his pajamas shoveling snow
while it continued to snow (he was way excited!).
Mmmm, yummy taste test! (I also learned the art
of sucking in a mouth-full of snow and quickly coughing
it back was exciting and looked neat).
Our parking lot/drive way out.
John enjoyed his job so much he
did all our sidewalks!

We finally found some buddies (from the south, of course!) to play with us!
These guys (Brian and Melanie) had not even been
in Wilmore a week. Talk about a bonding experience.
John and I (after we had sprayed Pam on our boxes and busted
a few times) laughing at someone else crash.
A little fella getting down to business.
We moved on to much bigger and better hills!!!

Later on in the day the snow had melted off some, but
the hills were still prime for "sledding."


s. wells said...

so cute pictures! i wish i could've been there :(

Anonymous said...

i love y'all so much!