Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I'm a cooking nerd. I didn't realize this until last night. It was like something else in me was working and I didn't even notice what I was doing until John pointed it out. I had taken my pastry cloth out of the freezer to look at it. I unfolded it, checked it over, and put it back in the freezer. John stared at me. "Did you just get that out just to look at it?" he asked. Yep. It was true. I just wanted to take a look at it since I'd put it in the freezer. He laughed and laughed, thinking that I was cute. I kind of thought of it like business I should take care, preluminary work that should be done to ensure the best pastries (whenever I get around to making them). I guess I'm just a cooking nerd though.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Snow Play, er, I mean work

On the morning of December 7th, John slept soundly...until he heard the words "John, It's snowing." Within three minutes (the quickest I've ever seen him move in the morning), he was lacing up his boots to go outside and play. "This is serious business," he said in this picture.This lovely view greeted us as we stepped outside. And the snow continued falling for a good three hours after this.John was quick to not waste a minute. His first order of business: check out the snow. Snows good. Scond order of business: Create a snowman.
Even if this means having to "borrow" the snow off of other peoples cars and yards. *Note this is not OUR white SUV.

The job was rigorous and tiresome, but John was strong and continued to tenaciously work in the freezing weather.

While I, on the other hand, danced about in the falling snow and played with little snowflakes, letting them each take a turn riding on my nose!
Once again, John has to check the snow...still good.
John procedes to build his snowman, going to great lengths to bring his creation to life. *Note: not OUR yard.
And I, still on the other hand, rather play with the snow (and give rides to several snowflakes at once...daring, I know).

For a brief moment, John stops to give my snowflakes a ride..but then it was back to work.He diligently came home directly from class to continue his job. He would stop at nothing...The creation continues.
Ah! Finally, the baby is here! (Summer, this is the only baby we'll be having in a LONG while!)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Ho HO HO Merry Beshe

HI Mommy and Daddy!
I've been thinking about you guys...I miss you. I cannot wait to get home, sip on coffee and chat in front of the fire (or outside in front of the sun..since I hear it is warming up down there ;) I wanted you to BOTH know you have been on my mind and I look forward to seeing you. Much, much love! ME : )

Friday, December 08, 2006


it's 29 degrees in baton rouge, folks!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Dancer Cousin, Niece, Child

I wanted to share with you guys a few pics of Deder at her last performance. Isn't she lovely. The Glory of God reveals Himself in many ways. This is one. Mom

Monday, December 04, 2006

Does anyone remember?

I was just beginning to wonder if anyone remembered how to use this blog thing. Hooray! Sarah still knows.

(song running through my head) "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"!!!!!

I love baby snowflakes. They are so cute when they ride on my nose. I don't mind it being cold outside, because it means that the baby snowflakes can live. I try to rescue them out of the cold, but as soon as the heat comes rushing past me as I open the door to my office, they disappear. They are shy around the professor I work for..I don't blame them. They are not accustomed to her face, as they are becoming with mine.

tea time

to all who are about to study, give presentations, write papers, freak out:
i salute you.

just wanted everyone to know that i'm still alive, maybe.
by the time some of you read this, i may have gone under in a flood of paper. in that case, don't worry about me, i'm in a better place. summer, you can have the mac.

if you haven't already, you all should listen to some tunes at accuradio.

ya'll are in my prayers,
love & hugs