Monday, September 01, 2008

Where the roles start changing and the lines get blurred.

Nothing like your children being all over the place...
Sarah Beth and Patrick in the middle of Gustav eating peanut butter and jelly, drinking the water they bought for their own personal hurricane party.
Laura and John somewhere in the states of Georgia and Alabama
Suzannah somewhere in Prattville...(sorry Alan but she really wanted to see his family and he is a pretty good guy)
Summer the house
Corey somewhere in Romania...and i haven't heard a word!
My Momma...right here with me.


Anonymous said...

You guys are getting easy.

A. Jones

s. wells said...

summer's pretty easy to keep track of.

Anonymous said...

I am glad someone is on this! I want to update it too... how do I get in?

Anonymous said...

Like Suz, are we supposed to post the user name and password here???