Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I'm a cooking nerd. I didn't realize this until last night. It was like something else in me was working and I didn't even notice what I was doing until John pointed it out. I had taken my pastry cloth out of the freezer to look at it. I unfolded it, checked it over, and put it back in the freezer. John stared at me. "Did you just get that out just to look at it?" he asked. Yep. It was true. I just wanted to take a look at it since I'd put it in the freezer. He laughed and laughed, thinking that I was cute. I kind of thought of it like business I should take care, preluminary work that should be done to ensure the best pastries (whenever I get around to making them). I guess I'm just a cooking nerd though.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Snow Play, er, I mean work
On the morning of December 7th, John slept soundly...until he heard the words "John, It's snowing." Within three minutes (the quickest I've ever seen him move in the morning), he was lacing up his boots to go outside and play. "This is serious business," he said in this picture.
This lovely view greeted us as we stepped outside. And the snow continued falling for a good three hours after this.
John was quick to not waste a minute. His first order of business: check out the snow.
Snows good. Scond order of business: Create a snowman.
Even if this means having to "borrow" the snow off of other peoples cars and yards. *Note this is not OUR white SUV.

The job was rigorous and tiresome, but John was strong and continued to tenaciously work in the freezing weather.

While I, on the other hand, danced about in the falling snow and played with little snowflakes, letting them each take a turn riding on my nose!
Once again, John has to check the snow...still good.
John procedes to build his snowman, going to great lengths to bring his creation to life. *Note: not OUR yard.
And I, still on the other hand, rather play with the snow (and give rides to several snowflakes at once...daring, I know).

Monday, December 11, 2006
Ho HO HO Merry Beshe
HI Mommy and Daddy!
I've been thinking about you guys...I miss you. I cannot wait to get home, sip on coffee and chat in front of the fire (or outside in front of the sun..since I hear it is warming up down there ;) I wanted you to BOTH know you have been on my mind and I look forward to seeing you. Much, much love! ME : )
I've been thinking about you guys...I miss you. I cannot wait to get home, sip on coffee and chat in front of the fire (or outside in front of the sun..since I hear it is warming up down there ;) I wanted you to BOTH know you have been on my mind and I look forward to seeing you. Much, much love! ME : )
Friday, December 08, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The Dancer Cousin, Niece, Child
I wanted to share with you guys a few pics of Deder at her last performance. Isn't she lovely. The Glory of God reveals Himself in many ways. This is one. Mom
Monday, December 04, 2006
Does anyone remember?
I was just beginning to wonder if anyone remembered how to use this blog thing. Hooray! Sarah still knows.

(song running through my head) "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"!!!!!

I love baby snowflakes. They are so cute when they ride on my nose. I don't mind it being cold outside, because it means that the baby snowflakes can live. I try to rescue them out of the cold, but as soon as the heat comes rushing past me as I open the door to my office, they disappear. They are shy around the professor I work for..I don't blame them. They are not accustomed to her face, as they are becoming with mine.

tea time

to all who are about to study, give presentations, write papers, freak out:
i salute you.
just wanted everyone to know that i'm still alive, maybe.
by the time some of you read this, i may have gone under in a flood of paper. in that case, don't worry about me, i'm in a better place. summer, you can have the mac.
if you haven't already, you all should listen to some tunes at accuradio.
ya'll are in my prayers,
love & hugs
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
things i can do since i live alone:
by sarah
1. play my keyboard at all hours of the day
2. store the ketchup in the refridgerator
3. wear clothes at my discretion
4. waste time taking pictures of myself
5. miss my family terribly :(
6. i need a hug.
by sarah
1. play my keyboard at all hours of the day
2. store the ketchup in the refridgerator
3. wear clothes at my discretion
4. waste time taking pictures of myself
5. miss my family terribly :(
6. i need a hug.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Where has all the sanity gone...
Thanksgiving Homecoming

I'm so excited about all our family (immediate and extended.....that means Wells -and Arnold- girls and all their friends and all their friends friends) coming home for the holidays. I can't wait for the "dinner table" to be full and overflowing with "family". What a rich man I am!
Speaking of "Holidays", my recommendation for the "family movie" this season is CARS. I purchased it the day it came out and we watched it as a [partial] family :( but we can't wait to "all" watch it together :) It's another classic! So, if you haven't seen it yet, wait for the family viewing.
I noticed when signing in to our Blog site that there is now an option to "upgrade". I suggest we don't do it yet because it might throw a kink in our fluid ability to edit our space. But if everyone thinks they're ready then we can try it. My suggestion only.
And lastly I leave you with a view out my shops door some time last week.....spurtty aint it!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
the lost jacket
Friday, November 03, 2006
i just had this idea- everyone should post a picture of themselves that they feel best describes them. it would be fun to put those all into a collage. huh huh??
Monday, October 30, 2006
It's been a while
So, I'm busy at work.. but distracted by thoughts of the fam. I thought I'd share with you what I did last week. I was responsible for researching current issues that are relevant for parents and writing a news release at their level so they can learn something. Here is a sample of one I did:
8. Parenting as a prevention for teen pregnancy
As a parent, you are the greatest influence on your child’s life. When it comes to teens’ values, there is no doubt that you still have the most impact on the way they choose to live their lives. In fact, research has proven that teens need just as much love, supervision, and support as three and four year olds do!
You can offer your child the best love and support by being actively involved in her life. Research shows that it is necessary for parents to talk to their teens about sexuality, but that talking is not effective unless the parents are active in their teen’s life.
--Understand your own values about sexuality and why you value those issues.
--Share openly, honestly, and often with your child from an early age about your feelings and thoughts.
--Listen thoughtfully to your teen’s feelings and concerns, and respect his views.
--Try to answer clearly and concisely the questions that your teen is asking. Avoid lecturing or threatening.
--Know your teen’s friends and their families.
--Support your teen’s interests and invest time in things she enjoys doing.
It is good to find a balance between monitoring and supervising your teen. Research indicates that careful awareness is necessary. However, overly strict monitoring actually causes more resistance to parents’ views, and puts the teen at greater risk of pregnancy. As you model examples of positive relationships with your spouse or partner, you can show your teen what a long-term love relationship is all about. The opportunity will likely come for helping him develop goals and plans for the future.
Dworkin, J. (2003). A survival guide for parents of teenagers: I’m in love. I’m not gonna get pregnant. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Extension Service. Retrieved 10/12/06 from
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved 10/13/06 from
The National Council on Family Relations. Retrieved 10/13/06 from
Yep, so that is just a glimpse of some of the work I do. I really miss you guys and want to write more...but it will have to be when I'm not at work. If you want to know more about toilet training your child, teen internet safety, or the importance of touching your child than let me know.haha....I love you guys : )
8. Parenting as a prevention for teen pregnancy
As a parent, you are the greatest influence on your child’s life. When it comes to teens’ values, there is no doubt that you still have the most impact on the way they choose to live their lives. In fact, research has proven that teens need just as much love, supervision, and support as three and four year olds do!
You can offer your child the best love and support by being actively involved in her life. Research shows that it is necessary for parents to talk to their teens about sexuality, but that talking is not effective unless the parents are active in their teen’s life.
--Understand your own values about sexuality and why you value those issues.
--Share openly, honestly, and often with your child from an early age about your feelings and thoughts.
--Listen thoughtfully to your teen’s feelings and concerns, and respect his views.
--Try to answer clearly and concisely the questions that your teen is asking. Avoid lecturing or threatening.
--Know your teen’s friends and their families.
--Support your teen’s interests and invest time in things she enjoys doing.
It is good to find a balance between monitoring and supervising your teen. Research indicates that careful awareness is necessary. However, overly strict monitoring actually causes more resistance to parents’ views, and puts the teen at greater risk of pregnancy. As you model examples of positive relationships with your spouse or partner, you can show your teen what a long-term love relationship is all about. The opportunity will likely come for helping him develop goals and plans for the future.
Dworkin, J. (2003). A survival guide for parents of teenagers: I’m in love. I’m not gonna get pregnant. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Extension Service. Retrieved 10/12/06 from
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved 10/13/06 from
The National Council on Family Relations. Retrieved 10/13/06 from
Yep, so that is just a glimpse of some of the work I do. I really miss you guys and want to write more...but it will have to be when I'm not at work. If you want to know more about toilet training your child, teen internet safety, or the importance of touching your child than let me know.haha....I love you guys : )
Sunday, October 29, 2006
it is true, i have finally obtained a pudgy middle. i don't know if it what was the ice cream every day or... the ice cream every day.
i'm really intrigued by it though. i keep touching my new fat, thinking about laura telling me once to "don't do that." then john telling me,"you go ahead and enjoy it!"
nevertheless, i'm starting up my running routine once again tomorrow.
bulging in baton rouge
i'm really intrigued by it though. i keep touching my new fat, thinking about laura telling me once to "don't do that." then john telling me,"you go ahead and enjoy it!"
nevertheless, i'm starting up my running routine once again tomorrow.
bulging in baton rouge
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The day I became a Musicologist

On October 24th, 2006, I put on my grown up clothes and traveled with Dr. Giger and Dr. Herlinger to Tulane to hear Dr. Giger give a lecture on staging in Verdi's opera "Otello". I had dreaded riding with them because I was afraid I didn't know enough music history to have a decent conversation with them, but our car ride turned out quite good. We discussed the surrounding areas (good places to bike and jog), transporation systems, news- they even asked my opinon on some things! That didn't show my importance, it showed their kindness and generosity.
After the lecture, one of the professors invited us to dinner at her house. We drove through New Orleans until we were at what seemed to be the heart and there we found Sounds cafe- the coffee shop that (Professor) Bade had opened underneath her home. Every Tuesday afternoon, two women come in and play music- one with a cello, one with a violin. This day they treated us to French waltzes in which the cellist sang in French. There we sat with the doors open to the streets of New Orleans with coffee in our hands listening to French music, letting the history blow in the open windows to teach our souls.
For dinner, we went up to her apartment- but had to we walk through her bookstore that was next door to get there. She had a balcony that overlooked the streets and reggae music playing softly in the background. I could see her study, shelves of books- up to the high ceilings. We could see the sliver of a moon as the sun set and she commented, "How beautiful!"
The rest of the night we ate crawfish etouffee and discussed the sort of things musicologists, techonology, life. Dr. Herlinger told us about an article he had read in the NY times about a man who said having matching items in your house is unecessary, all this being said as we found every chair in the apartment to squeeze around the old wood table. That kind of information is both useful and entertaining. A musicological sort of information.
My colleagues and I were all sitting together when she asked us if we were musicologists. Yes! we all said. "All of you? Musicologists? That's wonderful!" And we beamed. Yes, we're musicologists. We're just starting out in grad school, but we can eat crawfish etouffee and discuss Verdi with the best of them.
And that is just what we did.
Yours Truly,

A song I like
"End of October
The sleepy brown woods seem to
Nod down their heads to the Winter
Yellows and grays paint the sad skies today
And I wonder when you're coming home
Woke up one morning
The wind through the window
Reminded me winter was just 'round the bend
Somehow I just did not see it was coming
It took me by surprise again..."
My family makes my winters warm.
I can hardly wait to have everyone at home again! We will curl up in front of the fire and enjoy those interesting teas that Sarah Beth brings, laugh with Laura's sillygenius thoughts, wrestle with Suz, be astounded by Summer's depth of humor, and let John tell us all the wonderful things he has been learning about the Word.
You are our children and wow Jesus, WOW! we are bathed in blessing. Drenched!
And our joy goes on and one with our precious and wonderful extended family to share this life with. Our liter Deeter and our own Ssom Nohj. Who else might come? We never know here but this we are sure of, Love abounds and there is always plenty.
The sleepy brown woods seem to
Nod down their heads to the Winter
Yellows and grays paint the sad skies today
And I wonder when you're coming home
Woke up one morning
The wind through the window
Reminded me winter was just 'round the bend
Somehow I just did not see it was coming
It took me by surprise again..."
My family makes my winters warm.
I can hardly wait to have everyone at home again! We will curl up in front of the fire and enjoy those interesting teas that Sarah Beth brings, laugh with Laura's sillygenius thoughts, wrestle with Suz, be astounded by Summer's depth of humor, and let John tell us all the wonderful things he has been learning about the Word.
You are our children and wow Jesus, WOW! we are bathed in blessing. Drenched!
And our joy goes on and one with our precious and wonderful extended family to share this life with. Our liter Deeter and our own Ssom Nohj. Who else might come? We never know here but this we are sure of, Love abounds and there is always plenty.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
a little housekeeping, i went to the "about me" section of the profile and put some stuff in it.
you guys should go and add your tidbit to it. it will be interesting what we finally come up with, after everyone has edited it.
you guys should go and add your tidbit to it. it will be interesting what we finally come up with, after everyone has edited it.
Sunrise on The Farm
just another beautiful morning with my beautiful best friend and a beautiful cup of "35th Anniversary" (and you know what I'm talking about)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
we are an adjusting sort of people.
Today I had some interesting thoughts.
when I drive home from school I often like to drive in the silence so I can think, (yes that is why I talk so much when I am at home). today I was thinking about history. I was thinking about when Dr. York was talking about having a strike against the gas company because of the prices. that was last semester. well, over time we (the nation it seems) has adjusted to gas prices. and yes, I know, they have gone down which is a reason for less complaining. anyways. the fact is that over time we adjusted to the fact that gas was going to cost more than 2.30 (or so) a gallon. now that got me thinking. it only took a few months for people to settle down about the whole thing. and I thought, I wonder if there are things that I have adjusted to recently. I think that is an important question to ask yourself. I think it's really easy to slowly adapt to new things, even if they aren't so good. like saying crap. when you are around people who say, and then you say it some... and then alot and so on. you adjust to make it part of your daily vocabulary. the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that I do not ask myself that question enough. "what in my life have I let become a part of me recently? are these things good, or bad?" things like that. we are creatures of habit. so, therefore I believe we should be extra careful with what we surround ourselves with and what we allow ourselves to speak. one huge thing I have found that our family has adapted to is being sarcastic. maybe we should change that. I don't think it does anything for the Kingdom, or for our family as a whole. I am sure there are many other things as well, but I must go prepare for a speech/watch project runway.
Peace to you all!-
when I drive home from school I often like to drive in the silence so I can think, (yes that is why I talk so much when I am at home). today I was thinking about history. I was thinking about when Dr. York was talking about having a strike against the gas company because of the prices. that was last semester. well, over time we (the nation it seems) has adjusted to gas prices. and yes, I know, they have gone down which is a reason for less complaining. anyways. the fact is that over time we adjusted to the fact that gas was going to cost more than 2.30 (or so) a gallon. now that got me thinking. it only took a few months for people to settle down about the whole thing. and I thought, I wonder if there are things that I have adjusted to recently. I think that is an important question to ask yourself. I think it's really easy to slowly adapt to new things, even if they aren't so good. like saying crap. when you are around people who say, and then you say it some... and then alot and so on. you adjust to make it part of your daily vocabulary. the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that I do not ask myself that question enough. "what in my life have I let become a part of me recently? are these things good, or bad?" things like that. we are creatures of habit. so, therefore I believe we should be extra careful with what we surround ourselves with and what we allow ourselves to speak. one huge thing I have found that our family has adapted to is being sarcastic. maybe we should change that. I don't think it does anything for the Kingdom, or for our family as a whole. I am sure there are many other things as well, but I must go prepare for a speech/watch project runway.
Peace to you all!-

this is me studying for my world music test tomorrow. india, africa, north america, indonesia- we're studying it all, baby!
just for the record, today was one of the worst days at LSU ever. i got a C on a test- but so did a lot of other people.
it was poorly written and poorly graded. anyway, what can you do?
Monday, October 09, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006

does anyone remember this grey jacket with the lion on it that mom and dad got for me at the conference in gatlinburg?
i misplaced it sometime in may and i had forgotten that i owned it. i would REALLY really like to find it- if you guys could keep an eye out for it, that would be nice.
summer/suz- maybe you guys know where it is?
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I Think sometimes
I think that I don't really like to look at my children with distorted faces. I think I like them the way they were fashioned orginally.
I think the weekend was fun, Laura, but I kept looking around for you and felt the empty spots with the two of you not here. We even saved a place in the road for you and John.
I think I like the idea of Jesus turning over the money changers tables. Wasn't that a prophetic glimpse of what was to come in each of our lives?
I think I like this quote;
"The living Jesus is a problem in our religious institutions. Yes. Because if you are having a funeral,
a nice funeral, and the dead person starts to move, there goes the funeral! And, dear brothers and sisters, Jesus is moving!" Juan Carlos Ortiz
I think the weekend was fun, Laura, but I kept looking around for you and felt the empty spots with the two of you not here. We even saved a place in the road for you and John.
I think I like the idea of Jesus turning over the money changers tables. Wasn't that a prophetic glimpse of what was to come in each of our lives?
I think I like this quote;
"The living Jesus is a problem in our religious institutions. Yes. Because if you are having a funeral,
a nice funeral, and the dead person starts to move, there goes the funeral! And, dear brothers and sisters, Jesus is moving!" Juan Carlos Ortiz
Friday, September 29, 2006
Hello, Hello
Monday, September 25, 2006
+ + +
some things i liked about today:
a. my new skirt
b. the weather
c. thinking about kentucky next week
1. the cake i ate that my crazy friend made to celebrate shostakovich's 100th birthday.
2. playing jazz on the out of tune upright piano like i was some kind of old-style jazz musician that might have an ashtray on top of the piano.
3. mac & cheese for dinner (i thought of you summer)
4. talking to my bestest 11 month close sister
5. knowing all day that i'll be home this weekend where people love me.
by, sarah
a. my new skirt
b. the weather
c. thinking about kentucky next week
1. the cake i ate that my crazy friend made to celebrate shostakovich's 100th birthday.
2. playing jazz on the out of tune upright piano like i was some kind of old-style jazz musician that might have an ashtray on top of the piano.
3. mac & cheese for dinner (i thought of you summer)
4. talking to my bestest 11 month close sister
5. knowing all day that i'll be home this weekend where people love me.
by, sarah
Friday, September 22, 2006
I've been waiting....
Hey ya' I have some excitement for you!

A roach that crawled in my blow dryer on our honeymoon, that started to stink bad when we got to Wilmore, and that John salvaged from the dryer!! It was toasted.

A legitimate sign at a rest stop in Oklahoma.

Someone wasn't having a good day...well, actually the person said it was too big to move anywhere so their rational was to chop it apart with an ax and throw it in the dumpster...

Love, L-

A roach that crawled in my blow dryer on our honeymoon, that started to stink bad when we got to Wilmore, and that John salvaged from the dryer!! It was toasted.

A legitimate sign at a rest stop in Oklahoma.

Someone wasn't having a good day...well, actually the person said it was too big to move anywhere so their rational was to chop it apart with an ax and throw it in the dumpster...

Love, L-
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